Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cuz it's ungrammatical, stupid

One of two films Sushi Tycoon, Korean camp’s brand new production company, has brought to Fantasia Fest this year, Mutant Girls Squad (which is grammatically incorrect) can be really bad—and hilarious as all hell. When Rin, the film’s Fred-Kruger-handed protagonist, a girl of sixteen, has a heart-to-heart with the head of her dead father, a fellow HILKO (the film’s incredibly clunky subtitles’ word for what we can only assume translates as “mutant”), plopped on top of her sweet sixteen birthday cake, we get the film’s charm in a nutshell. Mutant Girls Squad, a three chapter work of three Sushi Tycoon directors, is a constant blend of the grotesque and the silly—all blood spraying and psychotic bakers, split heads and acid-gushing boobs, a general in his underwear (screaming “MY BOWL OF KATSUDON HAS BECOME A BOWL OF BLOOD!!!” before keeling over), chainsaws and the asses they come out of, etc. All in all, the production value here is, appropriately, atrocious, as Mutant Girls Squad delivers lowbrow and cheap camp exactly as it should be delivered. The blood-soaked gore, non-stop fun and mutant ridiculousness (sword-tits, tiny ear hands, a snout, a cock-tongue and, among many others, the famous Kruger hand, a reference to the, quite possibly, funniest character in horror film history) of the film are self-conscious and deliberate. Its production value lends it its charm; it allows for purely efficient camp in a way a higher budget production would not. Something, at a higher level, would be lost. An audience constantly laughing, for one, would be lost. The cheaper the better, really, and the people at Sushi Tycoon have caught on. Very little, if any, CGI should be expected in their near future—thank God.

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